Jon Gosselin Slams Kate For Not Letting Go The Past

Jon Gosselin / YouTube

Jon Gosselin went quiet for a long time after he and Kate divorced, and now he accused her of not letting go of the past. In fact, he believes she needs to move on as it’s not “2009” anymore. It comes in the wake of her appeal to overturn judges who quashed payment for back child support.

John Gosselin Opened Up After Gag Order Lifted

In 2019, ten years after he dumped his wife and the TLC show, Jon and Kate Plus 8, he started talking again. Although TLC wanted him to stay, he was done with the whole toxic thing. However, he was under an NDA gag order and couldn’t say much. Once it was lifted, he started singing like a bird, and more recently, so did his son Collin, and his sister, Hannah.

John Gosselin - Dark Side of the 2000s - Vice TV YouTube
John Gosselin – Dark Side of the 2000s – Vice TV YouTube

John Gosselin never took part in Kate’s spinoff, Kate Plus 8, which followed the last airing of Jon and Kate Plus 8 in 2009. Now, he concluded that his ex never moved on past that date. Although the spinoff continued from 2010 to 2017, TLC canned her show. It came after Jon successfully argued that the children had no permits to work.

Kate Plus 8 Ended And The Toxicity Goes On

When he left Kate, the former TLC star worked at all sorts sof jobs. During the coronavirus, he helped out with hospital work. He also DJ’d and he still does. This week, he reminded InTouch Weekly that he worked “three jobs” to pay for the kids and fight for custody of Collin and Hannah. So, he felt relieved in 2023 when Judges overruled Kate’s claim for back child support which she filed in 2018.

Kate Gosselin - Kate Plus 8 - TLC YouTube
Kate Gosselin – Kate Plus 8 – TLC YouTube

John Gosselin’s relief didn’t last very long, because Kate Gosselin filed an appeal on the judgment and she wants $132,875. Sick and tired of it, the dad of eight kids, but father to only two, ranted about his ex-wife. He said to the outlet:

I’ve been moving on…I’ve said this so many times…and she keeps dragging me back to 2009. Honestly I want to say to her: ‘Hey Kate, 2009 called, they want Jon back.” [Kate and her lawyers] tried every way to throw me under the bus. I had to work three jobs just to pay the child support.

The former TLC star already complained that his wife should get a job. However, it was reported last year, that allegedly, she would rather try for a new reality TV show than earn a salary as a nurse.

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