‘7 Little Johnstons’ Fans Disgusted In Trent & Amber’s Hypocrisy

YouTube, Amber and Trent Johnston

7 Little Johnstons fans have no shortage of complaints about Trent and Amber Johnston. Mostly, they lost their flavor once the kids started growing up and leaving home. With fewer kids around, the couple started amping up their intimate lives. And that drew a collective “Eww” from TLC viewers. Now, critics slam them for their hypocrisy

7 Little Johnstons Fans Slam Trent & Amber Johnston

Each season brings more complaints about Trent and Amber. If it’s not about them reading Jonah’s texts, it’s about them being too controlling with the adult kids. However, the most criticism started arriving when they became a bit less than safe for kids to watch. Cosplay and spicing up their intimate lives irritated viewers even more than the parents having a downer on Anna and favoring Elizabeth.

7 Little Johnstons Trent and Amber Cosplay TMI - TLC
7 Little Johnstons Trent and Amber Cosplay – TLC

Now that 7 Little Johnstons star Elizabeth “Liz” Johnston had her baby with Brice Bolden, TLC fans can only imagine what happened when they found out about the pregnancy. Despite flaunting their own sexuality on TV, it wasn’t okay for the kids to get intimate. You might remember how Trent embarrassed Brice when they talked about the single bed. Mind you, in hindsight, perhaps Brice should have paid more attention.

7 Little Johnstons Fans Call Out Trent & Amber

Trent and Amber always act so holier than thou when it comes to their adult children. However, some TLC fans think that they are hypocrites. It’s not clear what episode some watched recently, but there are loads of incidents to choose from. Irritated, a critic on Reddit slammed Trent. But in the comments, Amber found her share of criticism as well.

7 Little Johnstons Fans Disgusted In Trent and Amber's Hypocrisy - TLC
7 Little Johnstons – Trent and Amber Johnston – TLC

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